Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's. My. Style.


What's Up guys!
how was your day going?
okay, rite now i'm in holiday mode. 
yet, only for a fortnight because i have already registered 
for semester 3, which is the short semester. but that's
 okay because after that, 3 months holiday balance 
is still there for me to enjoy to the fullest.
for IIUM's student, Happy 5 months holiday!

i love flicking thru' my friend's blog. 
most of them are the IIUM's and 
some of them are the friends of mine.
there are soooo many style i've seen.
perhaps, people who like and own a blog, 
probably to be creative also. 
that's my own theory.
i can see lots of style of writing they have. 
and most of them ARE creative in their own ways.
creativity not exclusively in the aspect of art or literature.
it's universal.
so guys, you don't have to be as superb as picasso or
Leonardo Di Caprio.. Oppss, i mean Leonardo da Vinci 
to be brand as creative. 

like myself, i love simplicity.
so i enjoy typing in simple English. 
before this, i used to code-mixing. 
but now i am trying my best to write in full English
as the way for improvement.
but that does not mean that i abandoned my own mother tongue.
No, never. 
in fact, i love my mother tongue. 

okay, it reminisces me on my personal writing
that i have been neglected for a while due to the study.
i will continue to write again, during this short holiday.
but to finish it, seems impossible. 
it will take approximately two years, perhaps??
i've no idea. we'll see then.

okay guys, that all for today's update. 
update later on, i will.
Addio, for now.

~It's JoJo~

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