Friday, February 24, 2012


 Life is unsangkarable.
 a coined term
of English and Malay.
it's rojak, don't use it in formal writing.

when it is sunny and warm in the morning
you think its going to be a good day
yet, it is raining in the evening. 

when you laugh for funny thing
you think its going to be a good day
yet, in end of the day, you crying.

applied the theory to human being...

when someone treat you nicely
you think that person is a good one.
which you can rely onto.
yet, that person is the one that hurt you, badly.

when someone treat you badly,
you think that person is a bad one
which you hate the most
yet, it turns that the person is the one who help you,
 at the end of the day.

simple quoting here,
"don't judge a book by its cover."
"tak kenal maka tak cinta."

life is unsangkarable.
when you think this way, 
it might turn that way.
so that people.

life is no fun
when it is expected.
then, there's no challenges ahead.
it will be just mere straight line.
so, what's makes you a human,
when there's no thing 
that can teach you.
when life is easily predicted.

full of surprises, life is.
full of mysteries, life is.
unsangkarable, life is.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Perempuan VS Memasak

 perempuan dengan memasak 
memang tidak dapat dipisahkan
kalau nak diibaratkan, macam kembar.
memang tak boleh deny, 
tapi itu lah hakikatnya
wahai wanita-wanita sedunia.

mungkin ada yang refute,
yang bijak pandai itulah,
yang berkata begini
"I wanita bekerjaya"
"Ala, zaman modern ni tak pandai masak pun takpe"
"Boyfriend I tak kisah kalau I pandai masak ke tidak"
"Fast food kan banyak, apa susah, order aje"
"I pandai masak air and goreng telur. okay what"
"I selalu masuk dapur apa"
selalu masuk dapur memang senang, 
tapi selalu ke masak?
memang, hidup di zaman post-modernism ni
banyak merubah pandangan masyarakat
terhadap wanita dan dapur ni.
tapi sebagai wanita, 
aku berpendapat bahawa, 
kita haruslah pandai masak.
tidak kiralah betapa modern-nya kita
tak kiralah kita ni wanita berkerjaya,
tapi pandai masak itu mesti.

takkan lah sampai sudah berumah tangga
masih mahu makan nasi bungkus?
sebulan dua mungkin suami boleh tahan
dah masuk bulan ke 3 entah-entah
suami dah survey perempuan lain.

apart from that, 
aku rasa wanita yang pandai memasak
memang sangat disanjung tinggi
lihat sahaja mak-mak kita.
biarpun betapa sedapnya makanan kat luar
still, masakan emak yang paling terbaik.
wanita yang berkerjaya memang hebat
tetapi kalau pandai masak lagi hebat.
ia umpama value added dalam profile seseorang wanita.

jadi wanita-wanita sedunia
janganlah malas.
mari kita belajar memasak
supaya dapat jadi setanding dengan emak-emak kita.


Losing Weight

i think i have only mentioned about losing weight
but never discuss about it in detail.

yes, lose weight
is a very popular topic.
people here and there,
everyone care about their weight.
everyone of us do not want to gain weight
but everybody love food.
 am i right?
food is the thing that is hard to resist its existence.
just by thinking about food make us drooling already.
Spaghetti , Spicy Chicken, what else? name it.
thanks also to Fast Food Restaurant for being there
to serve people delicious food
and help us in gaining weight like crazy. 
Yet, i realized that people nowadays
started to aware of the danger of having to much weight
and the effects of it. 
The Biggest Loser, the Tv program for instance.
that program i think is good, because it helps people
to lose weight and have slimmer body that they never 
imagine before and also stimulate the people watching
to do the same.

the concept of the program is amazing.
you guys can see how they make those people
to lose their weight.
exercising and control your food taken.
i only have faith in those two.
not by eating additional food that
we can see being advertise everywhere.
for me, the only solution to lose weight are 
by exercising and control our food taken.
yes, we're on the same boat.
then, it is big deal.
 for you.

to starve yourself is totally not a good way to lose weight
you will end up eating more.
However just by controlling food taken is not sufficient.
we must exercise to burn the fats inside the body.

i have my own principle in losing weight.
it is for the sake of health, 
beauty come second and as value added in that.
for me, losing weight not only just losing weight.
i want to maintain my ideal weight, 
have good and toned body shape. 
that is the reason why exercise is necessary.
by increasing out metabolism rate
we can maintain our weight.
exercise also can help in shaping and toning your body.
who wouldn't want a beautiful body?
don't live in denial. 
 apart from that,
to have healthy body can avoid us 
from getting any serious health problem like obesity.

 thus, let us lead a healthy lifestyle
exercise and control our food taken, 
eat lots vegetables, fruits and drink lots amount of water.
  from now onward.


Thursday, February 16, 2012


 being an English major student is actually not that hard.
it is just too hard. 
the word "hard" that i am referring is not to the subjects
err, not specially for my entry today
i am referring to people.
coping with people.
as usual, it's always the people
people, people, people.
why am i saying such statement?

okay, i'll explain it briefly.
it deals with people, internal and external.

okay firstly, the internal.
internal here refers to other English major students itself.
its not that i want to bash em'
only some of em'.
i dunno why, but some of them feel
that they are superior.
just because they speak almost like the native
that does not mean that they are better than others.
i know, being an English major student for sure 
you must know to speak in English as prerequisite 
Yet, there is clear distinction between being able to speak in English and
thus, my point being,
don't make fun the others just because they don't
speak like you do.
its not that i envy of their accent,
its actually good tho.
yet, the act of downgrading other people
that i criticized. 

secondly, the external.
meaning, not the English major one.
don't look down on this course.
for you guys, this course seems easy eh.
try it out first before uttering and spread out nonsense. 

but i know, for sure
its never ending, the thought.
as long as they want to keep that pessimist
and that narrow-mind thought, it will never ending.
that is why right now we need more optimistic and 
positive people,
to live in harmony, indeed. 

 i am longing the ending for this.
yes, optimistically.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Seribu Rasa

Kerap kali aku menulis disini
dalam bahasa sendiri
sejak akhir-akhir ini.
 entahlah, mungkin
kalau nak meluahkan rasa hati
dengan bahasa sendiri lebih memuaskan, barangkali. 

baru aku hendak menghirup nafas segar
datang lagi seribu rasa
membuatkan aliran udara
tersekat-sekat di dalam dada.

Tuhan, datang lagi dugaan Mu...

maafkan diri ini 
andai bicara menghiris hati
atau rasa jemu mula mengongsi
sampai timbul rasa benci.

kepada dia yang dihormati
ada nasihat yang ingin dikongsi...

belum pernah mengenali
sudah pandai berteka teki
 kalau yang baik tidak mengapa lagi
ini tidak, sudah pandai memberi teori

rendah sangatkah kalau tidak selalu bersuara?
hina sangatkah kalau jarang melontar idea?
mulia sangatkah mereka yang kaya?
tinggi darjatkah mereka yang penjajah menjadi bahasanya?

silap percaturan itu namanya
jangan lupa
orang bijak kurang bicara.

manusia punya kelebihan
yang simpannya
jauh dalam dasar hati.

jadi jangan terlalu mudah menghakimi
jangan mudah meninggi diri
jangan mudah berhidung tinggi
jangan mudah mendabik diri
terpengaruh hanya kerana berintelektual tinggi
itu semua kurniaan Ilahi
sepejaman mata sahaja boleh ditarik kembali. 

diri ini tahu akan diri
memang kurang cerdik 
memang kurang pandai
tapi hati ini masih celik
cukuplah sekadar berpegang pada realiti
 pengalaman digenggam sekuat hati
bekalan pedoman di kemudian hari.

kerana rasa hormat bersarang dalam hati
kata-kata ini diberi
biarpun tidak seindah dan tidak berbahasa tinggi
harap dapat semat dalam nurani.

cuma itu keinginan diri. 
semoga dirinya memahami..


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

That's All Folks

 after more than three weeks of vacation
and that's it.
the end of holiday
and the start of something new.
not something to be exact,
but the start of new semester.
gonna say Hello to the new semester.
am going to be a 3rd year student from now onward.

part of my heart is in joy
part of it, refuse to be back.
as usual, 
hopefully that this semester will be better that before
let the gone, be by gone.


Asking if there's a chance of victory,
of course, there's none,
It seems as if there's 
no path forwards or backwards.

The dark clouds speed up, 
a sudden speeding impulse short
Looking up at the sky as it becomes intolerable, 
but even so Smile.

Searching for a new path (It must be somewhere)
Now is the time we start walking (Believing in something)
 I want to start
   I want to start
 I want to start
The way which I believe

Asking if there is any anxiety, of course there is
It seems that there's no enemies or allies.

Either way,
to cut across to the peak at full speed is just right.
Shall we change gears here? 
Then we'll have a match again!

In order to keep shining (Definitely, for anyone)
We can only keep on walking forward (Towards somewhere)

If the depressing rain seeps in, 
it'll cause me to make a mistake.
What should I do?
start? stop? start? stop? step step!! START!

Face the future, I want to start
In search of something, I want to start

 (SHINee ~ Start)


Monday, February 6, 2012

Pasrah Segalanya

 Pernah hati ini terguris
Dengan fitnah dan tohmahan menghiris
Sehingga terasa diri ini hina
Kerana tiada siapa yang sudi membela
Kutabahkan hatiku harungi hidup
Biarpun tiada siapa yang menemani
Keseorangan aku di lautan sepi
Ditinggalkan mereka yang aku percayai

 Namun ku tahu ada hikmahnya
Setiap segala yang menimpa diri
Kuserahkan segala padaMu Tuhan
Yang berkuasa jua mencipta
Kerana engkau Maha Mengetahui
Segala apa yang terbuku di hati

Ya Allah tidakku terdaya lagi
Menahan dugaan yang mencabar ini
Terasa bagai noktah telah kutemui
Mengakhiri segala yang telah aku mulai
Ya Allah Engkau lindungilah aku
Bekalkanlah daku dengan limpahan iman
Agar tabahku menghadapi dugaan
Agar tidakku berhenti di pertengahan

Kini di sini aku berdiri
Bersama harapan yang tulus suci
Agar terbitlah kembali menteri pagi
Setelah malamku berkalut benci


Saturday, February 4, 2012


diam dicelah-celah kebisingan.
ramai manusia disisi.
cuba bilang dengan jari
berapa ramai yang memahami.

pakai topeng wajah tersenyum
Camouflage diri hampir setiap hari. 
hati berdarah semakin parah
tapi tanya diri siapa nak peduli?

dengan diri sendiri 
bolehlah nak happy.
suka duka tanggunglah sendiri.
nak harap orang lain kongsi, 
hah, jangan mimpi lah sampai mati.

memang susah kalau kena benci
even se-zarah darah pun meyisih diri.
silap sikit, hari-hari kena maki.
padahal silap diri sendiri tak pernah nak kaji.

ingat mudah hidup dalam dunia ni,
bila maju sikit habis semua nak dengki
sedangkan warna rambut sama-sama kongsi
tapi jangan lupa memang kontra warna hati.

habis tu, nak harap lagi dengan siapa?
hah, lupa diri engkau pelupa
kau masih punya yang Maha Esa
kita sebagai hamba mohonlah pada Dia
mohon dunia akhirat kekal sejahtera.



Wednesday, February 1, 2012


 sila perhatikan tajuk di atas baik-baik.
Februari dieja dengan akhirnya "i" bukan "y" ye.
asyik-asyik taip dalam English, apa kata sekali sekala 
guna bahasa ibunda pulak. 
nanti orang kata diri ini,
macam istilah orang bijak pandai, "lupa diri"

rasa kekok pulak bila taip dalam bahasa Melayu ni
Sah lupa diri. kihkih
sebenarnya diri ini amat mencintai Bahasa Melayu
dah tentu lah sebab diri ini pun asalnya orang Melayu
walaupun tak berapa nak asli sangat.
tetapi darah Melayu itu tetap mengalir dalam diri ini.
(sila baca dengan nada yang paling patriotik)

sebenarnya tak ada motif sangat entri ni.
memang tengah tak ada idea, 
tapi jari jemari tetap gatal nak menaip.
jadi, inilah hasilnya, 
entri kosong bak kata orang-orang bijak pandai lagi.

aku, eh, saya eh, sopan sikit, Beta
sebenarnya mula menulis dengan bahasa Melayu
dah tentu-tentu lah, bahasa Melayu ialah bahasa ibunda 
entah berapa kali nak ulang entah.
baru-baru ini saja mula menulis dalam bahasa English.
lagi pula, Beta kan meneruskan pengajian diperingkat
tinggi dengan mengambil kurus, eh, kursus English language
jadi mahu tidak mahu, kenalah mempraktikkan juga
bagi memantapkan lagi English language beta.
tetapi Bahasa Melayu tetap menjadi pujaan hatiku.

jadi, sebagai akhir kata entri kosong ini, 
cintailah Bahasa Ibunda anda..
