Friday, April 22, 2011

My Memory (part 1)


Hey Guys! what's up??
since i'm on my holiday
and have nothing much to update bout 
myself and my surroundings, 
so i decided to tell you guys a story. 
neither bedtime stories nor something like that, 
are totally a no-no but about my memory.
i know, you guys know that i love memory so much.
the title of the story
"Once upon a time in United Kingdom"
Epic! haha 
the story begin like this....

one day, i heard from my dad that he 
wanted to further his studies, in Master level. 
i was like, okay. but not here, in Malaysia 
and i was like, what??
seriously, i thought, what was going to happen to me?
how i am going to survive here without my dad?
(too exaggerate of me ^^)
then, my dad told me again, 
All of us will go there.
i was like, once again, what? All of us??

of course i am shocked upon the news.
at that time i was in my secondary school,
i was 14 at that time.
i don't know how to describe my feeling.
happy? since it my first time travel abroad 
nervous? because i never went anywhere far from my country
or maybe,
sad? since i have to leave everything here.
i don't know.
but still i have to go.
my dad even sent me and my siblings to English classes.
to make sure we prepare and also, we went shopping
for all the thingy.

and the day has come..
it is September, 27. 
the date that i will never, ever 
forget in my entire life.

to be continued..........

~It's JoJo~


zimah zaiwani said...

wow! seronoknya kalau dpt blaja sn jojo! hhehehe

JoJo said...

haha.. ade2 je zimah ni.. ^^