Saturday, October 20, 2012

A writer who writes

 i am now jaded in middle of semester.
a break that wasn't really a break.
how come you people call break 'a break'
when there's lots of assignments 
and reading to be done.
misconception happens here. 

enough yakking.

last hectic Thursday,
when i was in one of my class,
my lecturer asked her students including me of course,
"who wants to be a writer?"
in which i didn't put my hand's up
to the question
but i really want to.

yes, suddenly i want to be a writer.
something that i never dream of before.
before this, i did write.
without no one knowing.
gratitude to blog creator
that now i can write publicly. 

but in here,
i'm just like rambling and ranting.
never like give real writing piece.
i did put poems in which i'm confident with.
but to write something more serious
is 'naaa' for this time being.

i am simple.
so my writing is simple.
i like simplicity.
reading for me is an escapism
and writing is for me to release my flow
of thought
of idea
and feel.

i never knew that i would love writing
until i did it.
and now,
i want to be a writer
who writes.

 p/s: A piece of writing that will inspire people.


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