Thursday, February 28, 2013

Never-Ending Monolog.

dah lama tak jengah ke halaman maya.
dah nampak dah sesawang sana sini.
minggu lepas kesihatan tak berapa nak baik,
jadi mood nak publish sesuatu dengan ajaibnya ghaib.

lagi pula tak ada benda yang menarik pun.
cuma kesibukan yang tak pernah surut. 

itu dah menjadi biasa.
 ibarat nama kedua.
penat dengan kepenatan ni.
balik rumah setengah lembik, tak bermaya.
jadi kehidupan tu sangat pudar.
nasib baik kawan-kawan itu ada.
 ibarat mereka adalah warna yang
mencorakkan sekeping kanvas.
letih mengharungi kehidupan sehari-harian
stamina tu kurang.
mujur Tuhan masih beraja dalam hati,
setiap gerak-geri dalam solat
ternyata mampu menghilangkan setiap kelelahan.

ini hanyalah never-ending monolog di laman awam.
sekadar berbasa-basi.
tak punya fakta, hanya bingkisan picisan.
yang tak bernilai pada kamu,
epitome kehidupan bagi aku.

The End Of The Topic.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Public Monologue

tell me if one of these facts isn't true.

The End Of The Topic.

Friday, February 15, 2013

To Be or Not To Be.

From what i have learned,
Every piece of writings have two main functions.
either to delight or to instruct.
it can be both as well.
these are the primary functions.
the style of writing evolved through time.
from Renaissance to 20th Century.
same goes to the functions.
during Neo-Classical period
the prime function is to instruct rather than to delight
they focused more on Prose writing and it is always in satire,
as a criticism to the society.
while during Romanticism period, most of the writer 
would prefer to delight the reader rather than to instruct
and the lime light goes to the composition of lots of poem.

to write a good piece writing,
the writer would deals with serious issues
like social issue, humanity and so forth.
it should be able to connect with the reader
and moved them to change for betterment.

the writer is like a doctor of a society
in which they provide remedy to the community
they make criticism through their writing.
criticism is indeed taste bitter
but medicine is always bitter.

 it raises a question,
 "to be or not to be"
A writer, is not an easy task.
as one of the post-modernism writer said,
"Never imitate. Create."
 for sure, originality is important.
to be original and authentic is hard
because we may be influenced by the previous writers.

still long way to go.
still lots to learn
still more to mend.

The End Of The Topic.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rutin Harian

 14 Februari 2013
sungguh aku tak sambut hari yang berkenaan dan
 tak mungkin akan sambut atas nama berkenaan.
rutin harian berjalan seperti sediakala.
Kelas semester ni bermula jam 2 
jadi waktu pagi banyak waktu senggang.

tak ada apa yang lain daripada yang lain pun berlaku
cuma satu update biasa. 
masuk kelas Dr. Selva , 
terasa berlaku Adrenaline-rush.
mana tidak kalau disuruh secara spontan.
semua pun takutkan.
tapi kelas beliau memang best,
tips untuk menghadapi dunia luar yang sangat mencabar.

bila masuk kelas Prof. Qayyum,
terasa macam pergi Motivational Talk.
terasa berkobar-kobar semangat
lebih lagi bila ditekankan soal penulisan.
seolah-olah menjawab semua persoalan yang
bermain di minda.

macam itulah hari-hari bagi semester ini,
meniti hari-hari sebelum tamat sesi pembelajaran.
harap-harap dapat menghadapi setiap hari
dengan senyuman bergula 
tidak tawar tidak pahit.
harap yang indah-indah saja.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


everything positive or good that we learn,
we must put it into practice.
 today i learned about thinking. 
thinking in Islam is Tafakkur.
thinking is an act of worshipping Allah too.
We contemplate upon His creations,
We reflect and take lesson from past events in the Qur'an.
every single act of worship (Ibadah) involves thinking.

Islam does promotes and encourages its followers 
to be creative in thinking and innovations too.
Any innovations that lead to positivity and beneficial 
is allowed and highly encouraged in Islam. 
Thinking in Islam must be value-based.
Thinking in Islam also must be in positive manner.

thus, i would like to relate from what have i learned 
with my current situation.
i knew that these few days back my emotion is wrecked.
and i kept thinking of the worst-case scenario.
thinking positively is a must and it actually benefits me
in which, it teaches me and strengthen my belief,
that even how worst the situation, giving up isn't the solution
complaining and regretting only exhaust your soul
making it more sick and ache that you would probably 
end up suffering, endlessly. 

being optimistic is the key to serenity 
it sets your heart free from any negativity,
you can even able to counter-attack all the problems
with a smile on your face. 
 positive outcome is an aftermath of positive thinking,
here you go, simple formula of happiness.

"La yukallifullah hu nafsan illa wus'aha" 

Never Allah burden His servant with something unbearable.
hence, what is happening to me right now is still bearable. 
Allah know my capability best.
i should thank Him even more 
because every tests from Him is a sign that He cares about me.
then, i should be grateful even more.



The Start

i know what it is all about.
the problem that i encountered several days back.
i tried to figure out what has happened to my own self.
and i think i got the answer now.

as people get older,
their body systems start to decline.
physically and mentally.
i guess that is happening.
i know i am not that "old".
i mean, it is the start.

my stamina these days began to deteriorate.
my skills began to decline.
emotional wreck happened.
i not that old, i emphasized.
yet it begin. The start.
that is why i need to be much more active than before.
i can't let my body and emotion to easily get wreck 
by simple matter.
maintain and persevere by the harsh surrounding
that getting harsh and hard.
i am entering the world's reality bit by bit.
no more fantasy or girlish dreaming.
enough of the issue.
i need to cling myself to Allah always
so that i won't go astray.



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dari Hati

 Aku telah jadi lupa,
siapa diriku ini.


Out of League

 am i out of their league?
are they the one who
out of my league?

i think that i have been surrounded by 
people who i would categorized out of my league.
yeah, distinct much from me.

i know they are out of my league
when i felt a total awkwardness and
uncomfortable to be around them.
it keeps me alarmed.
it feels like i have to be extra careful
or else the alarm will alarmed.

sometimes i feel unfit for this society.
yeah, as i mentioned before, 
my inferiority complex returned.
i dislike this feeling.
feeling that being outcast by the society.
this society.

i do not think that i am the trouble-maker one.
i think they are the one who assume that i don't fit in their group.
nobody knows me yet everyone know my name.
some people judge me, not knowing that i am the same.
i am homo sapiens species too people.
i am not a monster or some kind of alien that are ready to attack and
conquer the universe.
so don't make me feel alienated. 

 maybe my traits didn't suit theirs.

this actually raise several questions.
to my own self.
what have become of me?
why am i like this?
why would i bother?

i am supposed to act and think positively 
and optimistically.
yet i acted as contradict.
this actually lead to confusion 
i want to find the solution.
and i will.



Monday, February 11, 2013

Why Different?

everyone want to be different
and i wonder why.
then again i found the reason.
of my own reasoning.
being different actually brings us together.
how is that so?
yes, because we frankly complemented each other
through our differences. 

usually people are destined to meet people
who are opposites of their traits.
yeah, most of the people.
and miraculously we get along fairly well. 
like a magnet for instance.
it won't attracted to the same polar
yet to the opposite one.
same goes to human being tho.
in most cases that i am referring my argument to.

people are different also 
in their way of thinking.
that is the reason why we have so many choices 
and options in our lives.
like fashion, we have varieties.
and foods as well.
because we are different,
that make us special.
far from normal.

normal is overrated,



Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Return

Moment by Westlife soothing through the ears
been a while since my last entry.
new semester has already kick off.
for a week.

i am scared truthfully.
i am now entering my fourth year of studying.
a year left before graduating.
the feeling is different from before.
the situation already changed.
i can feel the serious atmosphere around me.
and the level of expectation is getting higher.

some kind of inferiority complex been bothering me
ever since the new semester started.
that inferiority complex that i have thrown away long ago,
is actually return and starting to bug my mind and my life.

it takes really a long, very long journey
for me to arrive to this stage of my life.
i've been throwing away the negativity from my traits
fought my way back from dead, literally.
i told you before i am a loser, historically. 
now i have changed to a better person,
last time i checked.

i refuse to compromise to this kind of
outrageous and nonsense feelings.
to the Most Gracious i relied myself upon.
hopefully no such word as giving up
come across my mind.
i need inspiration,
positive foods for my soul.

You told me to be strong, 
and i am trying.



Friday, February 1, 2013


 tak pernah memuja atau memuji
sekadar mengagumi.
buat cetusan inspirasi
bagi semangat yang hampir mati.


Semangat yang Hilang

Januari dah pergi,
diganti pulak dengan Februari.

semangat aku ni tak kembali.
tetap macam tu.
macam laut yang kematian ombak.
takda deruan angin.

semester baru bakal menjelang,
kena pergi cari semangat yang hilang tu.
Doakan aku.
Doakan yang baik-baik. 
Terima kasih semua.
