Wednesday, May 25, 2011

let's maintain young.


Hey Guys! What's up?? 
okay. firstly, lets do something different today
instead of mere rambling. 
what about handing you guys few tips
on how to maintain young 
even we'll aging every single day.
of course we cannot avoid. 
Yet, we can slow down the process rite??
don't worry, this will cost you nothing.
it is free and simple. 
to make things easier, lets make it in chronological order.
and this tips is not Ctrl + C and it is proven.


have you ever heard the term
"start with something sweet, end with something sweeter"
yes, lets do that.  

wake up early in the morning. never ever get up late.
 its really a bad habit guys. try this, when you wake up late
look yourself in the mirror. just see how 'beautiful and young' you are.
so, it no good to sleep back especially after subuh prayer guys. 

take shower early. 
yeah, i know it is cold in the morning, 
but that coldness is good. don't shower with hot water.
it'll make your skin dry and don't procrastinate your shower time.

smile. and smile always.
put less chemical substances on your face
 i mean when you're not going 
anywhere, so no need to put on make up. 
by the way, what's the point of putting make up 
when you are not going anywhere rite?
this is the right time to show your natural beauty.
don't put on anything before go to sleep also.
that "bedak sejuk" also is no good.
because your skin also need to breath. 

smile and smile always

be good. 
whether to human beings or animals or plants.
just be good.

maintain your sleep hour 
if you 
don't wanna have eye bag and wrinkles.  
make sure your bed is clean so that you will sleep tight.

and like i said before, start with something sweet, 
end with something sweeter. 
think positive before you start your journey in La La land.
hoping that  tomorrow will be better than today. 

that is all i can share. simple and easy rite.
so let us start today. InshaAllah, we will look
younger than our real age. inside and outside. 
physically and mentally young. 
really, it is such an investment guys. 
okay, enough of tips. got to go now.
for now, Addio. 

~It's JoJo~

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