Thursday, December 20, 2012


 Love is a reaction that
occurs in our brain, in the first place
then a signal is sent through nerves and vein to the heart.

Love is subjective,
it can be toward someone special;
mom, dad, siblings etc
 yet the highlight should be to God
and our beloved Prophet.

okay, it is an introduction.
just feels like rambling about this four letters.
sure, since i enjoy random stuff.
haha okay stop. 

i am free for any commitment
right now.
the ultimate reason for this freedom is 
because of my endless love toward Him.
only me and Him solely knew the real things.

i see nothing in that relationship.
and few others things that have been distracting me
for years.
and family matter involved also.
so the best thing is to let go.
trust me, only me and Allah know what's really happening.
it just too private to be shared.

it is not i want to show myself as a holy person.
refuse to be in relationship because 
in Islam, there is no such things as love except after marriage.
no, that's not it.
 its up to them, 
its their matter of choice.

between me and that person is history
but still we maintained our friendship
feel better that way.
i do believe in fate,
because Allah is always the Best Planner.
He knows the best.

this may sound lovey-dovish
or err...eerie to be definite haha,
but of course i would want someone
to grow old with.
 not friend, of course
nor boyfriend.
so who?
you fill in the blank.


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