Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Genuine thought

what is blogging to you?
for me it is a place where i gather all of my genuine thought
most likely, 
everything in this blog is me.
i mean, the "real" me.
maybe people can't "see" me like this outside the blog.

blog can be either surface personal
or deep personal.
i would rather prefer the former.
though blog is meant for people personally,
and mostly it is personally admin-ed
but still personal is personal.  
seldom i shared about my personal life,
and if i do, i'll make sure it is barely personal.

Thus, i personally prefer to be anonymous.
only certain people do realize the existence of my blog.
 there is not a need for me to promote my blog
and never in my intention to be a famous blogger.

 to share thought and principle is my intention,
to improve writing skill is ultimately.



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